BA, Ohio Northern University
MA, Bowling Green State Univ
PHD, Bowling Green State Univ
Recent Scholarship
Tilton, S., & Agozzino, A. (2023) The Ultra Lord of the Ukraine Special Operations’ Agricultural Division: How memetic artifacts provides a foundation for the historical archiving of conicts, Cogent Social Sciences, 9:1, 2193440. doi: 10.1080/23311886.2023.2193440
Ward, J., & Agozzino, A. (2022, March). Is it broken or just bruised? Evaluating AI and its ethical implications with the PR and health care industries. In R.Luttrell, J. Lipschultz and K. Freberg (Eds.) The Emerging Media Handbook: Theoretical and Applied Trends in Social Media and CMC. Emerald.
Agozzino, A. & Ward, J. (2020, Nov.). PR Principles: Current. Proven. Practical. Stukent.
Agozzino, A. (2020). #OhSnap! Using Current Students as Inuencers in Higher Education. In B. Watkins (Ed.) Social Media and the Changing Landscape of Brand Communication. Lexington.
Agozzino, A., & Hofman, B. (2019). A grand slam: Major League Baseball’s social media evolution through the expectancy violation theory lens. In T. Rentner and D. Burns (Eds.) Case Studies in Sport Communication: You Make the Call. (pp.183-192). Routledge.
Classes Taught
- Principles of Public Relations
- Principles of Social Media
- Advanced Public Relations Writing
- Social Media Strategy and Campaigns
- Public Relations Capstone
- Public Relations Internship
- Public Relations Practicum
- Digital Branding