Alisa Agozzino

Photo of Alisa
Alisa Agozzino
Associate Professor of Public Relations
Dicke Hall 207C
525 South Main Street, Ada, OH, 45810
Academic Credentials
APR (Accredited Public Relations Practitioner)
Research Interests
Social Media, Digital Media, Higher Education, Sports, Admissions
Employee degree:

BA, Ohio Northern University

MA, Bowling Green State Univ

PHD, Bowling Green State Univ


Recent Scholarship

Tilton, S., & Agozzino, A. (2023) The Ultra Lord of the Ukraine Special Operations’ Agricultural Division: How memetic artifacts provides a foundation for the historical archiving of conicts, Cogent Social Sciences, 9:1, 2193440. doi: 10.1080/23311886.2023.2193440

Ward, J., & Agozzino, A. (2022, March). Is it broken or just bruised? Evaluating AI and its ethical implications with the PR and health care industries. In R.Luttrell, J. Lipschultz and K. Freberg (Eds.) The Emerging Media Handbook: Theoretical and Applied Trends in Social Media and CMC. Emerald.

Agozzino, A. & Ward, J. (2020, Nov.). PR Principles: Current. Proven. Practical. Stukent.

Agozzino, A. (2020). #OhSnap! Using Current Students as Inuencers in Higher Education. In B. Watkins (Ed.) Social Media and the Changing Landscape of Brand Communication. Lexington.

Agozzino, A., & Hofman, B. (2019). A grand slam: Major League Baseball’s social media evolution through the expectancy violation theory lens. In T. Rentner and D. Burns (Eds.) Case Studies in Sport Communication: You Make the Call. (pp.183-192). Routledge. 

Classes Taught 

  • Principles of Public Relations
  • Principles of Social Media
  • Advanced Public Relations Writing
  • Social Media Strategy and Campaigns
  • Public Relations Capstone
  • Public Relations Internship
  • Public Relations Practicum
  • Digital Branding

Current CV