Research Interests
The behavioral ecology of birds, and its application to conservation and management.
Employee degree:
BA, Hiram College
MS, Miami University
PHD, Cornell University
Courses Taught:
- BIOL 1031: Life and Earth Sciences
- BIOL 1201: Biology I
- BIOL 1401: Biology II
- BIOL 2511: Ecology: Theory and Applications
- BIOL 2901: Special Topics: Natural History & Ecology of New Zealand
- BIOL 3631: Ornithology
- BIOL 3661: Environmental Research Methods
- BIOL 3781: Behavioral Ecology
- BIOL 3831: Animal Behavior
- BIOL 3841: Animal Behavior Laboratory
- EXDS 2001: A Bird's-eye View of Global Environmental & Human Health
- Speck, C.L., DiPietro Mager, N.A., and J.N. Mager. 2024. Ohio pharmacy interns’ perception of climate change and its impact on health. Innovations in Pharmacy 15: 1-9. doi.org/10.24926/iip.v15i2.6160
- Speck, C.L., DiPietro Mager, N.A., and J.N. Mager, III. 2023. Pharmacists’ perception of climate change and its impact on health. Journal of the American Pharmacists’ Association 63(4):1162-1167.
- Williams, K.A., Shumar, M.B., Kearns, L.J., Shirkey, B.T., Mager, J.N., Lautenbach, J.M, , Al-Saffar, M.A., Froehlich, A.M., Gates, R.J., Kovar, D.G., Kravitz, M.J., Matthews, S.N., Randall, C.K., Schell, N.A., Shieldcastle, M.C.,, and M.J. Wiley. 2023. The Second Ohio All-bird Conservation Plan (2023). Ohio Bird Conservation Initiative, Columbus, Ohio, USA.
- Mager, J.N., Wade, B., Abts, S., and J. Paruk. 2022. Foraging patterns vary with degree of sociality among Common Loon (Gavia immer)overwintering on a freshwater lake. Canadian Field-Naturalist 136: 30-41. doi.org/10.22621/cfn.v136i1.2791
- Paruk, J.D., Wade, B., Byrd, A., and J.N. Mager. 2021. Wintering Common Loons (Gavia immer) exhibit daily social behavior on Lake Jocassee South Carolina. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 133: 326-333. doi.org/10.1676/20-00089
- Paruk, J.D., Evers, D.C., McIntyre, J.W., Barr, J.F., Mager, J.N., and W.H. Piper. 2021. Common Loon (Gavia immer), version 3.0. In The Birds of North America (A.F. Poole, Editor). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA. https://birdsoftheworld.org/bow/species/comloo/cur/introduction
Professional Service:
- Book Review Editor, American Ornithological Society
- Board of Directors, Biodiversity Research Institute
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