BSEE, Ohio University
MS, Purdue University
PHD, University of Illinois Urbana
Top Publications:
Harmon, B., Logan, L.H., Spiese, C., Rahrig, R., “Flow Alterations in Rivers Due to Unconventional Oil and Gas Development in the Ohio River Basin,” Science of the Total Environment, 2022
Logan, L.H., Gupta, R.S., Ando, A., Suski, C.D., Stillwell, A.S. “Quantifying Tradeoffs between Electricity Generation and Fish Populations via Population Habitat Duration Curves.” Ecological Modelling, 2021
Logan, L.H., Stillwell, A.S. “Water Temperature Duration Curves for Thermoelectric Power Plant Mixing Zone Analysis.” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 144(9), 2018
Logan, L.H., Stillwell, A.S. “Probabilistic Assessment of Aquatic Species Risk from Thermoelectric Power Plant Effluent: Incorporating Biology into the Energy-Water Nexus.” Applied Energy, 210, 2018
Courses Taught:
- Watershed Management (CE 4331)
- Water-Energy-Society Infrastructure Nexus (CE 4321)
- Geotechnical Engineering (CE 3311)
- Foundations of Design 1 (ENGR 1041) & Foundations of Design 2 (ENGR 1051)
- Civil and Environmental Engineering Computer Applications (CE 1021)
- Engineering Orientation (ENGR 1001)
CV: LHLogan