BA, Christopher Newport University
MA, University of South Florida
PHD, Univ of North Carolina Chapel
Megan's research draws on her training in cultural studies, media & technology studies, feminist theory, and political economy. Interested in the relays between popular and political cultures, her recent projects include studies of melancholy as the dominant mood of the political present, the significance of the "billionaire space race," and the implications of corporate empowerment for political identity and domains of civic practice in the United States.
Megan's scholarly work has been published in journals including Cultural Studies, the Journal of Cultural Economy, Lateral, Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, and in edited collections such as Feminist Surveillance Studies (Duke University Press) and Cultural Studies in the Classroom and Beyond: Critical Pedagogies and Classroom Strategies (Palgrave MacMillan). She also writes and speaks regularly on the histories and responsibilities of the practice of cultural studies and on teaching cultural studies, and is actively conspiring with others to build better, accessible spaces for enabling the kinds of transdisciplinary, collaborative work required for effectively facing the difficulties of our political present.
Megan formerly served as the Reviews and Commentaries editor for the Journal of Cultural Economy, and is now an Associate Editor for the journal. She currently serves as a board member of both the Cultural Studies Association and the international Association for Cultural Studies.
In addition to her academic work, Megan is also a consultant at Vocable Communications.
Recent Scholarship:
- Fisher, Jill, Megan M. Wood, and Torin Monahan. (2021). Speculating on Precarious Income: Finance Cultures and the Risky Strategies of Healthy Volunteers in Clinical Drug Trials. Journal of Cultural Economy 14 (4): 464–484.
- Wood, Megan M. (2019). On ‘Telling Better Stories’: Lawrence Grossberg and Cultural Studies in the Present. Cultural Studies 33 (1): 19–28.
- Wood, Megan M. (2019). Conjuncturally Teaching. In Jaafar Aksikas and Sean Andrews (eds.) Cultural Studies in the Classroom and Beyond: Critical Pedagogies and Classroom Strategies. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
- Wood, Megan M. (2018). All in the Family? Journal of Cultural Economy 11 (1): 83-88.
- Brownlow, Ryan and Megan M. Wood (co-first author). (2017). Not About White Workers: The Perils of Popular Ethnographic Narrative in the Time of Trump. Lateral: Journal of the Cultural Studies Association 6 (2): 1–15.
Classes Taught:
- CAMS 1301: Presentational Speaking
- CAMS 2321: Group Dynamics and Team Interaction
- CAMS 3341: Communication, Gender, & Culture
- CAMS 4431: Communication Theory
- CAMS 4381: Communication & Media Studies Senior Thesis
Click here for CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gV2cLvvrCpedCeKuhHQjJvU4sNoSOLRu-0jM...