Gavin Jones, BSCE '24

Photo of Gavin Jones in his cap and gown

Next step: Engineer, Kimley-Horn, Columbus

From internship to employment: Gavin secured an engineering position at Kimley-Horn, a civil engineering consulting firm in Columbus, Ohio. He interned at the firm for seven months, leading to a full-time job offer in commercial site development and design. His future goal: surface and stormwater management.

Small town fit: Quiet and somewhat reserved, Gavin nevertheless appreciates genuine human connections. “Being from a small rural town, I have always valued being part of a tight-knit community. At ONU that is exactly what I experienced. I had the privilege to meet so many amazing friends, professors, and people who truly care about me and my success.”

Photo of Gavin with his French Horn

Horn of harmony: A French horn player, he found a creative outlet in the ONU Marching Band, Symphonic Band, and other instrumental ensembles. “Music helps me express feelings and emotions that I just can’t express in any other way.”

Hands-on learning: From engineering design projects to class trips to see how engineering is applied in the real world, experiential learning opportunities developed Gavin into a well-rounded engineer. “I’m grateful to have gotten to travel and see many places around Ohio and beyond, including Los Angeles, New York City, and even Germany. These opportunities allowed me to see places that I may never have gotten to experience otherwise, and moreover, to see them through engineering, cultural, and artistic lenses.”

Carving his own path: The first generation in his family attend college, Gavin proudly carved his own path at ONU. “This circumstance allowed me to make each decision based on what I needed to succeed and be happy. With the support of my family, I have gotten to this point, and with the support of ONU, I am preparing to begin my career in engineering.”