Brooke Allen: Owens Corning

A photo of Brooke

When a well-rounded, savvy business student from Ohio Northern University connects with a Fortune 500 company with a positive culture and core values—it’s a match worth repeating.

For a second summer, Brooke Allen is interning at Owens Corning (OC) in Toledo, Ohio. The Woodville, Ohio native who attended Woodmore High School is a Dicke College of Business Administration senior with a double major in finance and public relations.

“OC is an ideal placement for me because they believe in continuously investing in their employees’ development. The people make the places you are at. Over the last two summers, I’ve enjoyed going to work every day, which is a result of the amazing people around me.”

Brooke says her family's support, as well as her playing varsity basketball at ONU and participating in student organizations, has inspired her to reach high and give her best.

A photo of Brooke by Owens Corning Signage

“It’s made me desire a similar community in my future workplace.”

As an OC intern, she’s volunteered with Move for Hunger and the Toledo Mud Hens, and she’s participated in the internship development program with the Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce.

Her OC supervisors have allowed her to take the lead on some projects and split her time between the Communications and Finance departments so she can explore both interests. She’s writing stories, exploring communication tools, developing communication plans, modeling data, consolidating files, and automating data tools.

“They allow me the creative freedom and guide me while I am here. I’ve been involved in projects outside my job description because of the curiosity they encourage.”

Brooke says she’s lucky to have encountered wonderful mentors at both ONU and OC.

“People have a big impact on where you end up in life. When you are surrounded by great people, the possibilities are endless.”