To commemorate Veterans Day 2022, Ohio Northern University will host a public wreath-laying ceremony at the Henry Solomon Lehr statue in front of campus on Friday, Nov. 11 at 11 a.m. Charles Willner, a U.S. Army veteran who has assisted with annual planning for ONU and Ada Veterans Day ceremonies, will be the featured speaker, and Honor Guard members from Ada VFW Post 9381 will be participating.
Originally from Canada, Willner was promoted to Major as corps commander of the Royal Canadian Army Corps in his senior year at Linwood High School in Merritton, Ontario, Canada. While in high school he also served as the head of signals, obtaining the rank of Bombardier (Corporal) of the 44th Field Artillery, Royal Canadian Army Reserves in St. Catharines, Ontario.
In 1965, Willner was drafted into the U.S. Army and inducted at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. As a Canadian, he had obtained a green card to work his way through college in the U.S. However, he did not know to let his draft board know when he transferred from one college to another. He obtained the distinction of “outstanding trainee” of his company during basic training at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. In 1967 he was honorably discharged with the rank of Sergeant E-5 from Fort Gordon, Georgia.
In the case of inclement weather, the ceremony will be held in the English Chapel Sanctuary.